Friday, 25 April 2014


Target Audience: 

Age: 10
Gender: male
Name: Daniel

He is interested in videogames and also going out to the park to play with his friends. He will start school next year which will mean that him and his friends will talk about tv series such as the grumpy muffin which will help the series promote.
He goes to bed at 8pm but he is allowed to read his own book until 9pm which helps him get to sleep a lot quicker.
He plays tennis after school every tuesday with his friend Kyle, he also goes on bike rides with his mum on the weekends if the weather its good, if its not then he will stay indoor watching tv with his parents or playing videogames such as Lego Marvel Super Heroes. 

He gets home then plays with his brother until dinner time, then after dinner he sits on the sofa and watches Adventure Time, Sponge Bob, Regular Show and The Amazing World Of Gumball.
He enjoys Adventure Time more than any of the other series above as he finds Jake really funny as he farts and always jokes around with Finn.
He plays on his tablet, mainly Pet Rescue, Minecraft and Knights and Dragons, and sometimes he watches vines too.

The animation will appear to Daniel because it will have the same humor as Adventure Time and The grumpy muffin and Ridley go on adventures. There is also a lot of action and fights between Oliver (the grumpy muffin) and Carlos (the baddie) 
He will also like it because its entertaining and the characters are also quite odd such as the grumpy muffin with a top hat and so on.He gets money sometimes which he then spends on sweets at the corner shop but he gets quite a lot for christmas and his birthday.

Target Audience; Example 2

Age: 7
Gender: female
Name: Andrea

She goes to Primary school and she is studying maths and every now and then she will get a book and will be asked to take it home and read it. She plays with her friends at break at being teachers, and also to be a family where she normally chooses to be the younger sister or the dog.
Her older brother has control of the remote meaning she's forced to watch whatever he watches which is Adventure time most of the time and sometimes the simpsons too.
She goes swimming every thursday. She loves going up to her room and playing with her barbies and and her polly pocket dolls and bratz.

She doesn't get money but her parents buy her games and things they believe she need or that she deserves to get depending how she has been behaving at home.
She likes to dress up in her spare time, do different hairstyles with her hair and put make up on which her mum bought her.
She plays minecraft with her older brother and also simcity in the Wii.

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