Monday, 9 June 2014


T.M.N.T - they fit their characters well because they have an athletic body and you have a well built up body as their ninjas whereas in Adventure Time for example its all more about princesses and saving them which explains why this turtle has a crown and long hair whereas in T.M.N.T they have swords.
In Pokemon the turtle is blue, small and round meaning he's good and he's a water pokemon whereas in adventure time and T.M.N.T they're green meaning they belong on the ground. Also i believe the fact that they have made him small and round is for it to appeal cute and sweet as its aimed at children. Also in adventure time, its for children but also for grown ups therefore the design its not as childish.
Whereas Octonauts is for really young children which explains why his facial expression is really simple and he's smiling.

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