Friday, 7 March 2014

Adventure time

Adventure time is an american animated television series and it was released on the 7th of December of 2008.
Pendleton Ward created the series but it was directed by Hugo Morales, Larry Leichliter and Pendleton Ward.
The Company that produced Adventure Time is Cartoon Network Studios. 
This American series was made in Land Ooo where these two characters are our heroes, Finn The Human and Jake The Dog.
As this animaties series is being played in Cartoon Network the target audience is children. Yet many teenagers love adventure time which is why they have gone further into the series and made Aventure Time shirts for teenagers and som other stuff as they realised the success of the series and the impact on children and teenagers.

Why do i like Adventure Time?

I like adventure time because its not just a normal series, it actually has a great backstory. It takes place in an apocalyptic that was caused by The Great Mushroom War. Also throughout the series there are many references to the nuclear war.
Also the character are so well thought through and all of them have a backstory.
Finn and Jake are our main characters. Jake is an adventurous human and jake is his 28 year old adoptive brother who has the power of turning into any shape, shrink or make himself grow. He has a pretty cool girlfriend who is a unicorn and shes called Lady Rainicorn and she only speaks Korean.

There is also a world made of candy which is pretty awesome and there is where Princess Bubblegum comes into the story. She secretly likes Finn and Finn likes her back and there is the typical romance theme between them too throughout the series.

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