Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Character Shapes 2

 Mike Wazowski: He is a round character which fits very well with his character as round is meant to represent a safe character, someone complete and incapable of hurting anyone. Mike is a really kind character and he is quite a funny guy. Same goes with Mario, he is also a safe character and he is the hero of the video game of Super Mario.

James P Sullivan: He is a tough and brave guy and he's represented as a rectangle which has pointy corner which suggest that he's more dangerous than Mike. Same goes with Wreck-It Ralph, he is the bad guy of a video game, he is strong and aggressive which is why he's called Wreck-It as he wrecks stuff.

Randal Boggs: He is a triangular shape which is also pointy but its often used to represent the villain as they appear to look more sinister. Same goes to Don Paolo.

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