Monday, 10 March 2014



Pixar Animated Studios was found on the 3rd of February in 1986 by Ed Catmull, Alvy Ray Smith and finally Steve Jobs. But it was officially made in 1979 and in those times it was called Lucasfilm.
The headquarters are Emeryville, California, United states.
The presidents of this well known studio is Ed Catmull and John Lasseter and the general manager and executive VP of production is Jim Morris.

In 2006, Pixar was bought by The Walt Disney Company and it was worth $7.4 billion.
Pixar made fourteen films in 1995 and the first one they ever made was Toy Story, they were all really successful.

Steve Jobs paid $5 million to George Lucas for technology rights after he left the Apple Company, Pixar started as admission of Lucasfilm before Steve bought it.
Pixar Image Computer was sold to the medical community and government and Walt Disney Studios was one of their buyers.
Pixar's computers weresnt selling as much as they thought they would be which put the Company in danger so Steve Jobs kept donating more and more money to keep the Company alive which made him took the company away from the directors and employers, and finally he managed the whole company for a $50 million investment. 
Pixar sold his hardware division to Vicoms System in April of 1990, the same year that Pixar moved San Rafael to Richmond which is in California.
Walt Disney Studio because its more important partner as although Pixar moved to California they still had a great relationship.

In 1991 including the company's president Chuck Kolstad had to leave the Company along with some other 30 employers as they had a rough beginning which left them with its original number which is 42 employers.
Pixar made a $26 million contract with Walt Disney to produce 3 animated films and one of them was Toy Story which was the first ever film Pixar did in 1995 and in general.
Apart from all the income they received for this film the company was still losing money therefore Steve Jobs, chairman and now owner often thought about selling Pixar, and one of the companies he was going to sell it to was Microsoft.
But after finding out how much Toy Story was a successful movie and how Disney wanted to distributed for a christmas seasonal film in 1995 he then decided to give another go to Pixar and keep the company. Toy Story managed to get over $361 million all around the world.
After that in November 2000 Pixar opened a noter studio in Emeryville.


Disney and Pixar had a disagreement after Toy Story 2 was released as Steve Jobs wanted to release another one yet Disney disagreed which then led to a shaky relationship between Steve Jobs and the chairman of Disney, Michael Eisner.
Disney was in charged of marketing and distribution while Pixar was in changed of production and creation of the film.
Disney owned pretty much all the story and sequel rights even though the profit was split 50-50.
In 2004, Pixar and Disney tried to make a new agreement but this time it would only be about distributing film, so Pixar wanted to own 100 profits of their films and the ones that were producing now paying Disney only 10 to 15 percent distribution fee.
In mid-2004 Pixar broke completely and was looking for another company to work with but did not success in finding it.

Techniques used by Pixar

Computer Generated Imagery. This technique is often used for video games, television, printed media, adverts, shorts and tv series.

Film or motion pictures is also a technique used by Pixar, which is a series of still images such as pictures that when it is shown on a screen it looks like its moving.
This is used to tell a story, create an atmosphere, show beauty and bring out emotions between the characters onto the audience which might involve the audience into the story by the still pictures.

They used Adobe photoshop to draw the characters and which only takes them a few seconds according to Mann who created the characters of Mike and Sully in Monsters University. 

In Monsters Inc they used fine fur which was hard to make it look real and believable and also every bit of hair would have to render which took a long time to render the whole character including the location but it was definitely worth it was the final film look great and believable along with the facial expressions.

In Finding Nemo they spent a lot of time working on the location as its set underwater they had to make every fish, every plan and make sure the colour of the ground, background, shadows and so on looked real and make the audience look like they were underwater throughout the whole film.

Every film starts off with a storyboard which then its brought to life in a 2-d world and then Kepler technology comes in.
The curly hair was also another of Pixar's techniques with technology.

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